home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /**********************************************************************
- *
- *
- * PURPOSE: Dump the topic file from a Windows .HLP or .MVB file
- *
- * Copyright 1997, Mike Wallace and Pete Davis
- *
- * Chapter 4, Windows Help File Format, from Undocumented Windows
- * File Formats, published by R&D Books, an imprint of Miller Freeman, Inc.
- *
- **********************************************************************/
- #include <time.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <limits.h>
- #pragma pack(1) /* Make sure we get byte alignment */
- #include "whstruct.h"
- HELPHEADER HelpHeader; /* Header for Help file. */
- WHIFSBTREEHEADER WHIFSHeader; /* WHIFS Header record */
- int WHIFSLeafOne = -1; /* First WHIFS Leaf Node */
- long FirstPageLoc; /* Used by macros for b-trees */
- char *PhrasesPtr;
- int Compressed; /* Is there compression? */
- #define MSG(s) { puts(s); return; }
- #define FAIL(s) { puts(s); exit(1); }
- #define GET_STRING(f, s) \
- { char *p = (char *)(s); while (*p++ = fgetc(f)) ; *p = 0; }
- #define BIT_SET(map, bit) (((map) & (1 << (bit))) ? 1 : 0)
- // Finds the first leaf in the WHIFS B-Tree
- void WHIFSGetFirstLeaf(FILE *HelpFile) {
- int CurrLevel = 1; /* Current Level in B-Tree */
- BTREEINDEXHEADER CurrNode; /* Current Node in B-Tree */
- int NextPage = 0; /* Next Page to go to */
- /* Go to the beginning of WHIFS B-Tree */
- fseek(HelpFile, HelpHeader.WHIFS, SEEK_SET);
- fread(&WHIFSHeader, sizeof(WHIFSHeader), 1, HelpFile);
- FirstPageLoc = HelpHeader.WHIFS + sizeof(WHIFSHeader);
- GotoWHIFSPage(WHIFSHeader.RootPage); // macro in WHSTRUCT.H
- /* Find First Leaf */
- while (CurrLevel < WHIFSHeader.NLevels) {
- fread(&CurrNode, sizeof(CurrNode), 1, HelpFile);
- /* Next Page is conveniently the first byte of the page */
- fread(&NextPage, sizeof(int), 1, HelpFile);
- GotoWHIFSPage(NextPage);
- CurrLevel++;
- }
- /* First Leaf page is here */
- WHIFSLeafOne = NextPage;
- }
- // Get a WHIFS file by file number; returns offset and filename
- void GetFile(FILE *HelpFile, DWORD Number, long *Offset, char *Name) {
- DWORD CurrPage, counter = 0;
- char c, TempFile[19];
- /* Skip pages we don't need */
- CurrentNode.NextPage = WHIFSLeafOne;
- do {
- CurrPage = CurrentNode.NextPage;
- GotoWHIFSPage(CurrPage);
- fread(&CurrentNode, sizeof(CurrentNode), 1, HelpFile);
- counter += CurrentNode.NEntries;
- } while (counter < Number);
- for (counter -= CurrentNode.NEntries; counter <= Number; counter++) {
- GET_STRING(HelpFile, TempFile);
- fread(Offset, sizeof(long), 1, HelpFile);
- }
- strcpy(Name, TempFile);
- }
- // Get SysHeader to see if compression used on help file
- void SysLoad(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart) {
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- fread(&FileHdr, sizeof(FileHdr), 1, HelpFile);
- fread(&SysHeader, sizeof(SysHeader), 1, HelpFile);
- if (SysHeader.Revision != 21)
- FAIL("Sorry, TOPICDMP only works with Windows 3.1 help files");
- Compressed = (SysHeader.Flags & COMPRESSION_310) ||
- (SysHeader.Flags & COMPRESSION_UNKN);
- }
- // Decides how many bytes to read, depending on number of bits set
- int BytesToRead(BYTE BitMap) {
- int TempSum, counter;
- TempSum = 8;
- for (counter = 0; counter < 8; counter ++)
- TempSum += BIT_SET(BitMap, counter);
- return TempSum;
- }
- // Decompresses the data using Microsoft's LZ77 derivative.
- long Decompress(FILE *HelpFile, long CompSize, char *Buffer) {
- long InBytes = 0; /* How many bytes read in */
- WORD OutBytes = 0; /* How many bytes written out */
- BYTE BitMap, Set[16]; /* Bitmap and bytes associated with it */
- long NumToRead; /* Number of bytes to read for next group */
- int counter, Index; /* Going through next 8-16 codes or chars */
- int Length, Distance; /* Code length and distance back in 'window' */
- char *CurrPos; /* Where we are at any given moment */
- char *CodePtr; /* Pointer to back-up in LZ77 'window' */
- CurrPos = Buffer;
- while (InBytes < CompSize) {
- BitMap = (BYTE) fgetc(HelpFile);
- NumToRead = BytesToRead(BitMap);
- if ((CompSize - InBytes) < NumToRead)
- NumToRead = CompSize - InBytes; // only read what we have left
- fread(Set, 1, (int) NumToRead, HelpFile);
- InBytes += NumToRead + 1;
- /* Go through and decode data */
- for (counter = 0, Index = 0; counter < 8; counter++) {
- /* It's a code, so decode it and copy the data */
- if (BIT_SET(BitMap, counter)) {
- Length = ((Set[Index+1] & 0xF0) >> 4) + 3;
- Distance = (256 * (Set[Index+1] & 0x0F)) + Set[Index] + 1;
- CodePtr = CurrPos - Distance; // ptr into decompress window
- while (Length)
- { *CurrPos++ = *CodePtr++; OutBytes++; Length--; }
- Index += 2; /* codes are 2 bytes */
- }
- else
- { *CurrPos++ = Set[Index++]; OutBytes++; }
- }
- }
- return OutBytes;
- }
- // Prints a Phrase from the Phrase table
- void PrintPhrase(char *Phrases, int PhraseNum) {
- int *Offsets = (int *)Phrases;
- char *p = Phrases+Offsets[PhraseNum];
- while (p < Phrases + Offsets[PhraseNum + 1])
- { putchar(*p); p++; }
- }
- // Build up a table of phrases
- void PhrasesLoad(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart) {
- PHRASEHDR PhraseHdr;
- int *Offsets;
- char *Phrases;
- long DeCompSize;
- /* Go to the phrases file and get the headers */
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- fread(&FileHdr, sizeof(FileHdr), 1, HelpFile);
- fread(&PhraseHdr, sizeof(PhraseHdr), 1, HelpFile);
- /* Allocate space and decompress if it's compressed, else read in. */
- if (Compressed) {
- if ((Offsets = malloc((unsigned) (PhraseHdr.PhrasesSize +
- (PhraseHdr.NumPhrases + 1) * 2))) == NULL)
- MSG("No room to decompress |Phrases");
- Phrases = Offsets + fread(Offsets,2,PhraseHdr.NumPhrases+1, HelpFile);
- DeCompSize = Decompress(HelpFile, (long)FileHdr.FileSize -
- (sizeof(PhraseHdr) + 2 * (PhraseHdr.NumPhrases+1)), Phrases);
- if (DeCompSize != PhraseHdr.PhrasesSize) {
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- else {
- if (!(Offsets=malloc((unsigned)(FileHdr.FileSize-sizeof(PhraseHdr)))))
- MSG("No room to decompress |Phrases");
- /* Backup 4 bytes for uncompressed Phrases (no PhrasesSize) */
- fseek(HelpFile, -4, SEEK_CUR);
- fread(Offsets, (unsigned) (FileHdr.FileSize - 4), 1, HelpFile);
- }
- PhrasesPtr = Phrases = (char *) Offsets;
- }
- /* Because the topic file is broken into 4k blocks, we'll have to handle
- all the reads. The idea is to filter out the TOPICBLOCKHEADERs and
- do any decompression that needs doing. */
- long TopicRead(BYTE *Dest, long NumBytes, FILE *HelpFile) {
- static long CurrBlockLoc = 0; /* Where we are in the block */
- static BYTE *DCmpBlock = NULL; /* Block of uncompressed data */
- static long DecompSize; /* Size of block after decomp */
- static long TopicStart, BlkNum; /* Start of |TOPIC file */
- long BytesLeft; /* # Bytes left to return */
- TOPICLINK *TempLink;
- long EndOffset;
- /* If NumBytes = 0, then we're done and need to free memory */
- if (NumBytes == -1) { free(DCmpBlock); return 0; }
- if (!DCmpBlock) {
- if (Compressed) {
- if (! (DCmpBlock = malloc((unsigned) (4 * TopicBlockSize))))
- FAIL("Not enough memory to decompress |TOPIC file");
- TopicStart = ftell(HelpFile);
- BlkNum = 0;
- }
- else if (! (DCmpBlock = malloc((unsigned) TopicBlockSize)))
- FAIL("Not enough memory to handle |TOPIC file");
- DecompSize = 0; /* Set initial size to 0 */
- /* Don't really need first block header, so get it out of the way */
- fread(&BlockHeader, sizeof(BlockHeader), 1, HelpFile);
- }
- BytesLeft = NumBytes;
- while (BytesLeft) {
- if (DecompSize == CurrBlockLoc) {
- BlkNum++;
- if (Compressed) {
- DecompSize = Decompress(HelpFile, (long)TopicBlockSize-1,
- (char *)DCmpBlock);
- /* Align ourselves at next 4k block */
- fseek(HelpFile, TopicStart + (4096L * BlkNum), SEEK_SET);
- }
- else
- DecompSize=fread(DCmpBlock,1,(unsigned) TopicBlockSize, HelpFile);
- CurrBlockLoc = 0;
- fread(&BlockHeader, sizeof(BlockHeader), 1, HelpFile);
- // Get offset of last topic link. (Don't need block #, hence 3FFFh)
- EndOffset = BlockHeader.LastTopicLink & 0x3FFF;
- TempLink = (TOPICLINK*)(DCmpBlock + EndOffset-sizeof(BlockHeader));
- /* Actual end of the data (Don't include header) */
- EndOffset += (TempLink->BlockSize - sizeof(BlockHeader));
- // If end shorter than topic block use it; else topic block full
- if (EndOffset > DecompSize) {
- /* Adjust DecompSize if crossing 4k boundary */
- EndOffset = TempLink->BlockSize-((TempLink->NextBlock) & 0x3FFF);
- DecompSize = (BlockHeader.LastTopicLink & 0x3FFF) + EndOffset;
- }
- else DecompSize = EndOffset;
- } /* If */
- *(Dest++) = *(DCmpBlock + (CurrBlockLoc++) );
- BytesLeft--;
- } /* While (BytesLeft) */
- return NumBytes;
- }
- // Displays a string from a topic link record. Checks for Phrase
- // replacement and non-printable chars
- void TopicStringPrint(char *String, long Length) {
- BYTE Byte1, Byte2;
- int CurChar, PhraseNum;
- long counter;
- for (counter = 0; counter < Length; counter++) {
- CurChar = * ((char *) (String + counter));
- /* Check for Phrase replacement! */
- if ((CurChar > 0) && (CurChar < 10)) {
- Byte1 = (BYTE) CurChar;
- counter++;
- CurChar = * ((char *) (String + counter));
- Byte2 = (BYTE) CurChar;
- PhraseNum = (256 * (Byte1 - 1) + Byte2);
- /* If there's a remainder, we have a space after the phrase */
- PrintPhrase(PhrasesPtr, PhraseNum / 2);
- if (PhraseNum % 2) putchar(' ');
- }
- else if (isprint(CurChar)) putchar(CurChar);
- else putchar(' '); // could do newline for 0x00 0x00
- }
- }
- // Dump |TOPIC file, doing decompression and phrase substitution
- void TopicDump(FILE *HelpFile, long FileStart) {
- TOPICLINK TopicLink;
- /* Go to the TOPIC file and get the headers */
- fseek(HelpFile, FileStart, SEEK_SET);
- fread(&FileHdr, sizeof(FileHdr), 1, HelpFile);
- do {
- TopicRead((BYTE *) &TopicLink, sizeof(TopicLink) - 4, HelpFile);
- if (Compressed)
- TopicLink.DataLen2 = TopicLink.BlockSize - TopicLink.DataLen1;
- TopicLink.LinkData1=(BYTE *) malloc((unsigned)(TopicLink.DataLen1-21));
- if(!TopicLink.LinkData1)
- MSG("Error allocating TopicLink.LinkData1");
- TopicRead(TopicLink.LinkData1, TopicLink.DataLen1 - 21, HelpFile);
- if (TopicLink.DataLen2 > 0) {
- TopicLink.LinkData2=(BYTE*)malloc((unsigned)(TopicLink.DataLen2+1));
- if(!TopicLink.LinkData2)
- MSG("Error allocating TopicLink.LinkData2");
- TopicRead(TopicLink.LinkData2, TopicLink.DataLen2, HelpFile);
- }
- /* Display a Topic Header record */
- if (TopicLink.RecordType == TL_TOPICHDR) {
- TopicHdr = (TOPICHEADER *)TopicLink.LinkData1;
- printf("================ Topic Block Data ====================\n");
- printf("Topic#: %ld - ", TopicHdr->TopicNum);
- if (TopicLink.DataLen2 > 0)
- TopicStringPrint(TopicLink.LinkData2, (long) TopicLink.DataLen2);
- else printf("\n");
- }
- /* Show a 'text' type record. */
- else if (TopicLink.RecordType == TL_DISPLAY) {
- printf("-- Topic Link Data\n");
- TopicStringPrint(TopicLink.LinkData2, (long) TopicLink.DataLen2);
- }
- printf("\n\n");
- free(TopicLink.LinkData1);
- if (TopicLink.DataLen2 > 0) free(TopicLink.LinkData2);
- } while(TopicLink.NextBlock != -1);
- }
- void DumpFile(FILE *HelpFile) {
- long FileOffset, PhraseOffset, TopicOffset;
- DWORD i;
- char FileName[32];
- fread(&HelpHeader, sizeof(HelpHeader), 1, HelpFile);
- if (HelpHeader.MagicNumber != 0x35F3FL)
- MSG("Fatal Error: Not a valid WinHelp file");
- WHIFSGetFirstLeaf(HelpFile);
- TopicOffset = PhraseOffset = 0;
- for (i=0; i<WHIFSHeader.TotalWHIFSEntries; i++) {
- GetFile(HelpFile, i, &FileOffset, FileName);
- if (! strcmp(FileName, "|SYSTEM")) SysLoad(HelpFile, FileOffset);
- else if (! strcmp(FileName, "|Phrases")) PhraseOffset = FileOffset;
- else if (! strcmp(FileName, "|TOPIC")) TopicOffset = FileOffset;
- }
- if (PhraseOffset) PhrasesLoad(HelpFile, PhraseOffset);
- if (TopicOffset) TopicDump(HelpFile, TopicOffset);
- else MSG("No Topic file found!");
- }
- int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- char filename[40];
- FILE *HelpFile;
- if (argc < 2) {
- printf("Usage: TOPICDMP helpfile[.hlp]\n\n");
- printf(" helpfile - Name of help file (.HLP or .MVB)\n\n");
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- if (! strchr(strcpy(filename, strupr(argv[1])), '.'))
- strcat(filename, ".HLP");
- if ((HelpFile = fopen(filename, "rb")) == NULL) {
- printf("Can't open %s!", filename);
- return EXIT_FAILURE;
- }
- DumpFile(HelpFile);
- fclose(HelpFile);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
- }